Tuesday, November 15, 2011

DIY Coat Hanger

Have you heard of Pick Your Plum?
I like it.
Here is a DIY project using iron hangers I found at Pick Your Plum.
Front door: kids (mine and all neighborhood guests) always pile their coats next to the front door. We have hooks and shoe racks in the garage. I've tried for a while to force using the garage. Sigh. Some things are not worth arguing over. So, if you are going to pile your coats at the front door, I might as well have something to hang them on that I like to look at!
Pick your Plum:
3 iron hangers, for a good deal.

Other supplies you will need:
Bead board
Trim wood
Wood glue
Paint (I used spray paint and stain)
small bolts + nuts
Step 1: Cut bead board
Step 2: Measure trim and cut at a 45 degree angle

Step 3: Glue trim together to make a frame

Step 4: paint everything (I also painted the face of each bolt to match the hangers
Step 5: Measure, mark, and drill holes
Step 6: Glue frame to bead board

Step 7: Use bolts and nuts to attach hangers to framed bead board

The lighting in my pictures is not amazing--all of these projects have to be done after the kiddos bedtime! Hope you understand!

PS I got my canvas from Canvas On Demand using a Groupon. They did an excellent job!


  1. I still absolutely LOVE this! You are so talented and creative! :)

  2. This is so cute. I love how it turned out. Thanks for sharing. I would love it if you could link this up to our linky party going on right now.


  3. Sorry I missed your link party! I have limited computer time :)--I will catch up another time, thanks for stopping by!
